Public Speaking

An Easy Guide to Write Your Next Speech

Everyone wants a killer speech. Yet most speeches flop. We’ve all seen many speeches that are mediocre or that just don’t inspire us to take action. You may have even given a few yourself. So many different elements go into giving a great presentation. Great oratory...

Top 10 Ways to Have a Confident Voice

In a matter of seconds, it becomes apparent to the audience as to whether or not you have confidence. The audience judges this based on your posture, speech (IE: confident voice), what you’re wearing and the connection you make with them. Every one of us will lack...

Prepare Your Presentations Easily with RATE

Everyone wants to give a killer presentation that the audience remembers for years to come. Yet most presentations flop. The essential key to any great presenter is the preparation they take before each presentation. To help ensure you can successfully communicate...
Top 10 Ways to Have a Confident Voice

Top 10 Ways to Have a Confident Voice

In a matter of seconds, it becomes apparent to the audience as to whether or not you have confidence. The audience judges this based on your posture, speech (IE: confident voice), what you’re wearing and the connection you make with them. Every one of us will lack...

Prepare Your Presentations Easily with RATE

Prepare Your Presentations Easily with RATE

Everyone wants to give a killer presentation that the audience remembers for years to come. Yet most presentations flop. The essential key to any great presenter is the preparation they take before each presentation. To help ensure you can successfully communicate...