What to Do With Your Arms and Hands While Presenting

What to Do With Your Arms and Hands While Presenting

There is this myth out there that you shouldn’t use your arms or use too many gestures when you are presenting. But I’d suggest that you completely ignore this myth! It’s natural for everyone to speak using their arms and hands while speaking to one another. This same...
Top Questions to Ask Before Your TV Interview

Top Questions to Ask Before Your TV Interview

Nice Work! You’ve landed a TV interview. Now what? Like most anything, it takes prep and practice to succeed. The same goes for giving a great TV interview. A TV interview is great PR not only for your personal brand but also the company you represent. Before...
How to Dress For a TV Interview

How to Dress For a TV Interview

The key to a great interview is to dress correctly for the TV platform and audience. Secondly, the way you dress for a TV interview should stay true to your personal brand. The old school advice for any TV interview would be to dress modestly and professionally – to...